How To Pass AZ-304 Exam Easily

 Fourteen days prior, I breezed through the AZ-304 test and today I finished the AZ-303 test giving me the Azure Solutions Architect Expert confirmation. 

This post will give you an outline of the tests what strategies I used to examine and my tips to pass the affirmation. 

Test Preparation 

The initial step of your test excursion ought to sort out what themes are shrouded in the test. Download the abilities estimated for the AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies or for the AZ-304 Exam Dumps Microsoft Azure Architect Design test. 

These archives give you an outline of the required abilities and layout any progressions or updates to the test. Try not to be tricked by the straightforward report however. During the test, you are required to have inside and out information on the required innovations. You can discover more insights regarding the inquiries in the Difficulty of the Exam area further down. 


In the event that you are genuinely new to Azure or a portion of the subjects shrouded in the test, get a Pluralsight membership and go through the recordings in the Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303) and the Microsoft Azure Architect Design (AZ-304) ways. 

I began with the AZ-304 test and in this way likewise began the AZ-304 way on Pluralsight. All courses in this learning way are amazing and give an incredible outline of the relative multitude of points canvassed in the test and moreover give some extra more top to bottom information about the advancements. 

Subsequent to completing the AZ-304 way, I began to watch the recordings of the AZ-303 way yet I didn't gain anything new from them. It is conceivable that I was marginally worn out after every one of the recordings or that the subjects were excessively comparative. On the off chance that you concentrate for the test, I recommend trying them out thus that you may see with your own eyes on the off chance that they help or not. 

Microsoft Learning Paths 

Subsequent to getting an incredible outline, everything being equal, I needed to delve more into the subtleties of each innovation and utilized the taking in ways from Microsoft. These learning ways cover all innovations in the test and are a mix of hypothesis and functional errands, whereby you get a sandbox into Azure and should apply what you realized previously. This could be, for example, making two new VNets with VMs in them. Then, at that point peer these VNets and check the association between the VMs. The incredible thing about this is that you don't have to pay anything and don't need to give your Mastercard data. You can discover the learning ways of the AZ-303 and AZ-304 tests on their accreditation page. 


With the Pluralsight courses completed and perusing many pages of documentation, I felt prepared to take some training questions. I chose to utilize Whizlabs, for the most part due to their cost of around $20 USD for four practice tests which you can retake as regularly as you need and furthermore compose remarks to the inquiries. 

I took the main practice test and felt not really awful but rather was shocked to see that I had just accomplished around 60%. I went through each question and furthermore read the remarks of other test-takers. This drove me to understand that around half of the inquiries aren't right and frequently my answers were really right. Numerous remarks brought up that and the help of Whizlabs recognized the issues and vowed to fix them. Be that as it may, months after the fact, the inquiries are still off-base. 

Notwithstanding how modest Whizlabs is, I can not prescribe utilizing it because of the relative multitude of wrong answers and disarray that they are causing. 


MeasureUp is the test stage authoritatively suggested by Microsoft. The AZ-304 test has 162 test questions and the AZ-303 one has 166 inquiries. The inquiries are in a similar configuration as the genuine accreditation, implying that there are contextual investigations, single-decision, various decision and intuitive inquiries. 

The training tests are costly going from 91€ for the 30-day admittance to 110€ for the one-year or download variant. On the off chance that you finish the assessment on MeasureUp, they give you a passing assurance and in the event that you bomb your test twice, you are discounted everything of the training tests. They additionally regularly have bargains where you can get 20% or 30% off. 

The site can be dreadful, for instance, Chrome didn't work more often than not for me and there two or three fastens that are just interactive on the off chance that you hit the right pixel. Notwithstanding, when you began the training test, everything is incredible. You can even design the test to either have arbitrary inquiries, or questions that you got off-base the last time, or questions that you have not found in some time. 

The first occasion when I took the AZ-304 test I accomplished 74% and for the AZ-303, I just got 64%. In any case, it showed me what was generally anticipated from me during the test and assisted me with delving considerably more profound into the advances covered by the tests. 

MeasureUp is costly yet absolutely worth the cost and I energetically suggest getting it prior to taking the test. 

Instructions to consider 

Everybody concentrates in an unexpected way. Some favor recordings, some lean toward perusing and others like active experience. 

My proposal is to have a go at everything and see what turns out best for you. As far as I might be concerned, watching the Pluralsight recordings was an incredible beginning stage. A short time later, I duplicated the entire learning ways of the AZ-303 and AZ-304 tests into a Word document. I printed the record and featured it by hand. At the point when I discovered something I didn't have the foggiest idea, I added it toward the finish of the record under notes. I previously examined this way during my college time and it turns out incredible for me. You can discover the archive in various arrangements on Github. 

You ought to likewise get sufficient active experience. I had this experience before I contemplated the documentation and it helped me significantly in understanding the subject. I would suggest that you make the greater part of the administrations which are shrouded in the test and play around a piece and take a gander at all the sheets of the help in the Azure entryway. 

The last proposal I can give you is to buy the MeasureUp practice tests. They are great yet in addition give you a knowledge into the manner in which the inquiries will be and may moreover help your certainty when you can accomplish a high score in the training tests. 

AZ-303 versus AZ-304 

The points shrouded in the two tests are basically the same yet you need to know various parts of them. The AZ-303 test is more about how to set up something and its specialized limits. For instance, you must have the option to set up a VNet, add VMs and afterward arrange VNet peering utilizing the Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell modules. Moreover, you should know what VM Skus you should use for explicit responsibilities and what information base sizes you can use with the distinctive Azure SQL contributions. 

The AZ-304 zeros in additional on what administration you should use to assemble an answer. For instance, you need to know whether you should utilize Azure Front Door or Azure Traffic Manager to carry out the necessities. Normally, you don't need to compose code here however be ready to know essentially fundamental orders. 

I began with the AZ-304 in light of the fact that it fits better with my expert experience and I was more keen on it. I never had any uncertainty of bombing the test and got a score of 880 out of 1000. Then, at that point I began getting ready for the AZ-304 which was way harder for me, for the most part as a result of all the Azure PowerShell which I have never utilized. Normally, I utilize Azure CLI however the test constrains you to be capable in all innovations. Before the test I was somewhat dubious of passing it however shockingly to me, I perused the test and got a score of 930 out of 1000. 

Taking the Exam 

There are two choices for taking the test: at an authority test focus or at home. Before, I took a test at the test community however for the AZ-303 and AZ-304, I chose to take the online test. The two alternatives offer the very same tests, so you can choose whatever you are more certain with. 

The actual test requires 130 minutes however plan for three hours with the ID check and some study inquiries from Microsoft. This is a lot of time to go through your two or multiple times. I completed the two tests in less than 60 minutes. 

The AZ-303 test had 48 inquiries for me and the AZ-304 had 62. You ought to anticipate that the number of questions should be in that reach. To pass you need a score of something like 700 out of 1000. Note that Microsoft utilizes a powerful scoring framework which implies that 700 out of 1000 doesn't approach 70%. 

Subsequent to completing the two tests, you get the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certificate and identification. 

Purplish blue Solutions Architect Expert Badge 

Purplish blue Solutions Architect Expert Badge 

Taking the Exam at a Test place 

I stepped through an exam at a test two or three years prior and it wasn't the most charming experience. To begin with, you need to make a trip to their area, ensure you are one time, and bring an authority ID. Then, you need to put every one of your possessions like your wallet, telephone, and watch into a storage and afterward get accompanied into a room brimming with PCs where you take your test. My test community had a mouse from the 90s and it's anything but an issue working with it. I didn't feel great there however there isn't anything amiss with taking the test at a test place. 

Taking the Exam Online 

Because of the pandemic, there were no test places open in my area and thusly I took the two tests on the web. To take the tests from home, you must have a steady web association, a webcam, and a mouthpiece. You are not permitted to utilize earphones however. 

Taking the test from home was far more agreeable for me. In the first place, you don't need to go there and also, you can utilize your PC, mouse and console, and your seat which you are as of now acquainted with. The registration begins 30 minutes before the test is planned. You get a connection on your telephone and need to snap a photo of your ID and yourself. Then, at that point take four photos of your environmental elements and you get set into the holding up line. A few minutes, a delegate will reach you either through voice message or visit and they may pose you a few inquiries, for example, to show them your work area. Then, at that point they start the test for you and the authority test starts. 

After you


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