Microsoft Certifications: Are They Worth the Effort?
I have always been skeptical about Microsoft certifications (such as MCSE, MCSD and Microsoft Certified Database Manager (MCDBA)). Of course, I have obtained multiple Microsoft certifications and have some good Microsoft badges somewhere. Congratulations on becoming a "founding member" of the MCSE and MCSD programs. But deep down, I know that badges and certificates do not necessarily mean that I am an expert. To be honest, I just disturbed the test because my employer paid a huge certification bonus. I met many outstanding but uncertified engineers, and many certified but barely qualified engineers. I know that certification is not a true standard for measuring technical excellence.
But recently I have changed the value of these certifications, especially the value of MCDBA. I still can’t believe that obtaining an MCDBA certificate can prove that you are an expert and even know a lot about SQL Server. But I do think that understanding MCDBA exam materials can really prove that you have a certain level of SQL Server knowledge. Do you understand the key difference between these two statements? Passing the test does not prove anything. Understanding the materials under test is very valuable. Unfortunately, it is too easy to pass the test without knowing the materials. Today, you can find many free, paid, legal and illegal ways to test Microsoft certification. Many of these learning aids can help you pass the exam, but most of them will not teach you anything.
This year, "Take your SQL Server career to a new level" has been the subject of my column, and in most cases, I focus on SQL Server novices. I have received many comments from readers on this topic. The most common requirements are:I am new to SQL Server, but need more information. Where do I start? Is there a roadmap telling me how to become a more skilled SQL Server professional? First, and perhaps most importantly, handling the MCDBA certification provides you with a solid starting point and a reasonable roadmap you need to learn; Second, if you are new to SQL Server, learning the materials covered by the MCDAB exam will improve your skills, but remember that there are big differences between passing the test and learning materials. SQL Server experts are aware of shortcuts Not much.
Information to help you start the MCDBA certification path can be found on the Microsoft Training and Services website.
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